Recruitment 2024

Are you thinking about trying roller derby? Come to our open practice and join us!

At our open practice, you can experience more than just skating. You will also learn everything about our newbie program and how our team works. You don’t have to have any experience with skating or roller derby. We will lend you skates and all the necessary equipment. The only requirement is that you are over 18 years old.

Dates of our open practices:

Sunday 21.1.2024 at 20:00/8pm
Sunday 4.2.2024 at 20:00/8pm
Sunday 18.2.2024 at 20:00/8pm
Sunday 17.3.2024 at 20:00/8pm

The recruitment will take place on Sunday 17.3.2024 during the open practice. 

Would you like to come? Choose a date that works for you and contact us via email at or at our Facebook or at our Instagram – we will let you know the exact address and all the necessary information. 


We are looking forward to meeting you!

Hard Breaking Dolls




For whom is our open practice intended?

For everyone who is 18 years old and older, interested in roller derby and thinking about joining our team. We are looking for new skaters, referees and NSOs (non skating officials). 


Is it only for girls?

Anyone interested in roller derby can join our team. Our team is creating a safe space. Everyone is welcomed. There are different kinds of games (sanctioned, regular, all gender mix). So anyone can play. 


How much does the open practice cost?

Open practice is free of charge. It costs only your time and desire to try something new. 


What do I need to bring?

You will need activewear, a water bottle and you can also bring a towel. 


I don’t have skates or protective gear. Is it a problem?

No, it’s not a problem. We will lend you everything you will need. But you are welcome to bring your own. 


What is going to happen during the open practice?

You will try basic skating moves. Full contact does not happen during open practices, so you don’t have to worry about your safety. Mainly, we will talk about our team and how everything works. 


I don’t know how to skate. Is that a problem?

Not at all. Most of those who attended didn’t know how to skate. 


Can I come only for one open practice?

Of course. You can come for one open practice or all of them. It is only up to you. 


Will I get hurt?

The open practice program is designed for beginners. There are no contact drills, and it is mostly about individual skating skills or simple group formations. However, everyone who attends our open practice attends at their own risk and is responsible for their own health. 


Am I signing up for something by attending the open practice?

No, attendance at our open practice is voluntary. There are no strings attached. 


I don’t know the time and place of the open practice. 

This is a precaution to make sure that everyone will contact us via email, facebook or instagram before coming, so we can collect all the necessary equipment in the correct size. We will reply to you with all the information you might need. 


What is the difference between open practice and regular practice?

During our open practice, you have the chance to try out skating. Then, during the recruitment, you will complete a sign-up form and you will become our rookie. 


I am worried to play roller derby. Can I still come?

We completely understand that roller derby is not for everyone. We are also looking for referees and NSOs (non skating officials). Just sign up, come, and we can talk about other positions in our team that could work for you. 


How can I become a referee?

The same way as a skater. We will teach you everything. Being a referee is no longer just for men. There are more and more women. 


I have more questions. How can I contact you?

You can always contact us via email at or at our Facebook or at our Instagram. Or book your place at the open practice and ask us in person. 


How can I sign up for the open practice? What information will you need?

You can book your spot by contacting us via email, or you can message us on Facebook or on Instagram

Let us know:

  • Your name
  • Date of the open practice you would like to attend
  • Skate size you will need (the same as your shoe size)
  • Any other question you might have

You will receive information about location in the reply. 


We are looking forward to meeting you. Don’t hesitate. Come to meet us in person and become a team member.